Wednesday, October 27, 2010

nak sgt2.

kdg2 nk sgt gtaw kamu cmne sbnrnye ase hati neh.
nk sgt3.
tp x sume bnde sy ley gtaw kmu.
sy juz boley simpan.
hold n hold n hold...
until i faint bcoz of it.
or even die bcoz of it.
dono what happen 2 me.
but i rily need u..
but i know u cnt alwez b wif me..
so i cnt hope more from those pple dat i luv....
juz follow my flow..
hope i still cn survive by my own...
hope i still cn smile..
even a fake 1~~


n.o.. m.o.r.e..w.o.r.d.s..2..s.a.y..

Saturday, October 23, 2010

~ ~ ~

I'm going 2 SMILE like nothings wrong,
TALK like everything is perfect,
ACT like it's all a dream,
& PRETEND it's not hurting me~

jgn PAKSA sy~!!

jgn pkse sy wat bnde yg sy x ske~
jgn pkse sy ske owg yg sy x ske~
jgn ubah persepsi sy~
sy sgt jahat? YES~ I AM~

still want me 2 respect that pple??
my effort b4 diz still not enough izit?
still need 2 add sum more?
still its my fault coz dun like that pple???

mulut pndai ckp konon "X SKE OWG YG HIPOKRIT~"
OWG LAEN SKE lakkkkkkkkkkkkk~
ase xley nk share tntg die ngan awk,
coz awk KWN die~
i also cnnot change ur perception rite?
so,,,,,,, juz,,,,,,,,,,,,, follow d flow..

yes,, i do bcome hypocrite if u notice~
im so hypocrite until im d 1 get hurt~!
but, i did everything juz bcoz of u.......
4 d sake of u....

Thursday, October 21, 2010

ari yg SGT PANAS~~ it makes me HOT~!!!!


rily2 "LIKE" la today~
sgt LIKE~ yess!

ble sy ckp sgt like, mksudnye mcm bongok je okeh?
kalo nk tgk sy ble mrh ape jd, try la wat sy mrh okeh?

sory 2 say, but, pleaz!
sy mls nk ckp bnyk, kang sy membebel, owg meluat~
so, bawak2 la berfikir okeh?

certain things xpyh nk tnggu owg tegur, boley pikir sndiri~
jgn lak letak otak tu kt lutut~
tu yg xley nk pikir tu~ okeh??

alalalaa~ baek nye sy nasihat owg kan?
xley blah~
neh dh abis SOPAN la sy tegur~
jgn smpai sy tegur ngan cara laen okeh?
okeh2, GO BACK & THINK~ deeply~~
hope can change d way u talk!
mcm~~?? kalo membe sy ckp, mcm binatang kaler PINK~
ad hidung yg tadah air ujan~
alaaa yg SWEET tuuu~~

haaaa~~ lu pikir la sndiri~

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


k~A~m~i~~ berbeza & x same~

tp kami boley berkongsi 1 same laen~
(sharing is caring name pown~ hee~ )

sy ske bub die slalu ad ble sy perlu die~

& sy paling ske ble die tunjukkan yg die perlu sy~

haa~ jgn salah anggap!

ktorang x cple ye~
bukan sperti yg korang sangkakan~!!
tidak sme skali~!!!!
(haha mcm bongok! )

ktorang adik bradik~ =)

ADOIIIIIIII~!!! camne ley lpe uhhh~???

15 Oktober aritu ulangtahun hari lahir arwah ayah~
cmne la ley terlupa....
x senonoh pnye anak.....
patot la 2,3 ari neh windu ayah sgt2..
ayah jg diri leklok kt sne~
tenangkan diri ayah~
adik syg ayah sgt2..

Sunday, October 17, 2010


lailatul asmarina zakaria~

yg kmu heboh2 gtaw sume owg yg sy neh manje pehal~???
jaat gila~!!!
mne de sy manje~!!
geliiiiiiiiiiiiii yekkkk3 je kowt~!!!


btw, sal mkn tu, kmu yg ngade na~!!
pakse2 owg mkn,,
padahal owg dh mkn kowt~!!!
kenyang gila2~
dh nk terkeluar blk dh~

ase nk nanges je time tu tawu~??!!!! HUHHHHH~!!! tahan je la~
gerammmmmm ooooo~!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


"hari ini bkn semudah semalam utk bergelar manusia sempurna..

byk yg perlu dikorbankan,byk juga yg terpaksa dilepaskan..

sesekali langkah tersadung,rebah menyembah..

sesekali melangkah gagah tersenyum megah dan semua itu memerlukan pengorbanan,menentukan kesabaran dan air mata..

selagi prinsip hidup berada di atas landasan yg betul,usah di gusar pd anugerah Tuhan..

anggaplah sesekali di duga itu sekadar utk mematangkan dan mengajar kita utk bangun menjadi manusia sesempurna insan.."


nk tergelak ble membe aku ckp aku neh lembut hati~
lembut kew lembik weh??
mcm siot je kowt!

ntah la,, aku kalo owg mntak tlg, ase nk tlg je~
sedaya upaya aku kalo boley aku nk tlg~

tp kalo berkaitan ssuatu yg aku x ske,,,,,,,
aku akn pikir 378900754332098654326890 x agi nk wat kew x...
tp, seyes ase serba salah kalo xley nk tlg~
tp, ble dh tlg tu...
ikhlas kew aku??
bergantung kpd nawaitu kan~

niat nk tlg kwn time die susah~
then kalo hati neh jd sakit cmne?
kalo x lontarkan, owg xkan tawu..
tp ble dilontarkan, sy dianggap jahat?
anggap la pape pown k~
sy tawu sy x matang~
sy terlalu amik berat bnde simple2~
make it more complicated...


aku benci jd owg yg owg laen ingt mudah diperbodohkan~
(yes, aku tawu aku x pndai, tp, stop la perbodohkan aku~
kang aku jd makin bodo cmne? ske tgk aku bodo?)

aku benci owg tipu aku~~
yg paling benci ble aku dpt tawu bnde sbenar~
ase nk tumbuk2 je dinding!
(aku xkan tumbuk owg~ still ad hati manusia~)

aku x ske bnde sembunyi2...
itu xley, ini xley~~!!
pe kes??
ingat aku neh tunggul? kew patung?
xde prasaan?
anak kucing pown ad prasaan kowt!
ase diri neh BODO sgt tawu??!!

aku benci owg ngate blakang!
kalo brani sgt, FACE 2 FACE la weh!!
xkan KECUT kowt!
mcm bongok je!

aku benci ble depan aku, act mcm laen,,
sumpah2, mati2 aku caye~
bukan maen~!!!

aku x ske owg bg nasihat kat aku dpn2 owg laen,,
tu dh jatuhkan maruah aku,,bukak keaiban aku~

aku benci owg yg xnak blajar berdikari~
nmpak x EXCELLENT~
ape la,,, anak buah aku pown bley g kedai sndiri kowt~
jgn wat malu la~

aku x ske ble aku dh ckp skali, nk kne ulang 109865678908765144342610191872625554 x agi~
yg tu bley wat aku baran~
agak la~~
dh la aku neh mudah naek angin,
jgn la jd catalyst lak!
kang ribut kan susah~!!

aku x ske ble owg ckp sesuatu,, tp x maksudkannye~
mcm &*!*(&@^%%@^!~!!!!!
AGAK LA~!!!!!!!!!!!!

*aku neh bnyak kerenah kan~
ngade kan~
yess~ mmg tu aku~
so, aku juz jd diri aku~
ad msalah?
xnk kawan?
x kesah~
xpyh la kawan kalo cmtu~
x susah pown kan?

ase mcm still bnyak bnde agi aku nk ckp~
kalo kamu pasan, sy bnyak post entry utk kamu~
kalo kamu PASAN la~
or xpenah amik kesah?
x kesah la~

ishhhh~!! ase full sgt pale otak aku neh~
boley x neutralkan kmbali??
pikir bnde yg x spatotnye dipikir~
tu la jadinye~
sgt terbaek!

1 more time can???????

ase nk delete je~!!!!!!

nk kate, ape hak aku nk halang?

aritu nk delete, ckp x bg..

then ad la cmmnt ckt,


pnye bnyak status owg, 0 je cmmnt die..

tp kt owg tu, bnyk je..

pantang di post~


as u said~~ kawan...


hm.. xkesah la.. malas dh ase..

(jeles yg terlampau kew? salah kan kalo jeles?

nape nk jeles kan?

sy dlu pown cmtu..

so, i deserve it rite..

xpyh nk remove, i noe all dat~

sy bukan BUTA IT sgt~

so? any last word 2 say??

sorry 4 interrupting u~~

Friday, October 15, 2010


pikir blk kekurangan diri neh~
pikir blk ksalahan diri yg hina neh~

cukup matang x aku?
kebudak2kan kah aku?

bawu aku tawu, skrg aku malas berpikir~
aku x tgk kekurangan diri aku~
i should CHANGE~!!

but i couldnt b sum1 else!
I am ME~!!!
alwez be ME~!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


GOMOES seantero~!!!

Ilham sufie gomoes, fika gomoes, tyra gomoes, n yg paling panjang,,, rashidah mohd yusuff gomoes~~ (panjang bebenor name ko!~~)
& sy sbg Sha gomoes...
thanx kamu sume!
kamu wat sy tergelak & tersenyum kmbali~
wat bnde bodoh & GILA mlm2 cmni mmg xley blah~
I LIKE~!!!!

xTAWU agi...

ase penuh sgt kt dada neh~
dh xtawu nk gtaw sape dh...
simpan, simpan, n simpan...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010



depan owg, LAEN..
belakang owg, LAEN~!!

agak la MEMANASKAN hati ku yg agak mudah BERASAP neh..

yess! aku bukan owg yg baek~ so dun expect me 2 b a gud person orait?

mcm &*()*&^%$#@!$%^!!

btw, sowi la kawan2 ku kalo kamu terasa ngan mulut aku yg xreti nk menapis kata2 neh k..
sowi kalo kamu trasa ngan sikap aku yg agak tegas neh..
sowi kalo aku direct je sound korang!
aku mintak maap!

n sowi kalo aku bnyak membebel!
korang nk tawu sesuatu x??
kalo aku ske membebel bnyak2 kt korang,
tu maksud nye aku syg korang!
kalo aku x mmbebel, aku x syg lah!

poyos lak ayat aku neh nape.. haih!

tp kan, aku nk ckp ckt!
aku x bape ske owg yg xnak berdikari! thats it..

Sunday, October 3, 2010

bingung suda~

Ntah hape la prasaan aku time neh~
btol2 x stable~
kejap ase sakit ati bukan maen agi~
kejap ase sedey~
kejap ase takot~
kejap ase gilak!~

agak2 kt tnjung rambutan tu ad kosong agi x?
boley x nk dftar msuk sne??

Ya Allah~~
besar ujian neh~

perghhhhhhh! ari neh x sempat col mak~
td nk col, tp xley!
ngah susah ati xley col mak,
kang termenitis air mate time ngah ckp ngan mak tu, abis la~
mak lak yg nanges kowt!

tp rily xley duduk!!
x bce pape pown agi~
nk exam, tp slumber lak~
bukn slumber, tp xley nk stdy!
hati gundah gulana~
cmne nk stdy nye??
tu alasan nme nye~
act, sy pmalas~
tp bnde tu pown mngganggu sy gak~

nk sy cuba??????????????????

sy ase teruk!