Tuesday, July 12, 2011

its 1 in a million.....

Monday, July 11, 2011

..... layan kejap.....

2days MC~ conjunctivitis..

okeh, now im at my hometown..
cant go back 2 penang coz of infection 2 my conjunctiva~
rily2 dun like diz thing.. y?
its bulging;
its red;
its watery;
its pain;
& when i wake up in morning, cant open my eye~
& d main thing is, i cant meet people..
coz it may spread... haihhh....
yg truk is,, nk kne replace la MC2 neh nnti... sowang2~ haihhh.....
xpela, hope dosa2 terhapus ckt demi ckt...
insyaALLAH, sy akn trus brtahan selagi sy mmpu...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Muhasabah Cinta - edCoustic~

Sunday, July 3, 2011

perpisahan dlm PerSaHaBaTaN~

renung2 kan~

"Tiada ungkapan perpisahan dalam persahabatan walaupun maut menjadi noktahnya kerana seorang sahabat itu terlalu istimewa dalam doa saudaranya yang lain biarpun tanpa bayangnya.."


seyes sy windu...

sgt2 windu..
nape masa skrg dh xley same mcm dlu?
adakah bub sume dh brubah..?
sy brubah, kamu brubah, diowg pown brubah..?
adakah sume kne brubah ikot predaran zaman?
seyes sy sgt2 windu masa lalu...
saat2 hepy ngan sume owg...
sy sedar sy pown brubah.......
& kalo boley sy nk ubah jd diri sy yg dulu tu....
tp boley kew?
sy x ske sy skrg...
sy yg skrg x baek...
jahat sgt....
sy yg skrg ske wat owg laen.....
sy x ske cmtu............
sy ksiankn owg laen.... sy xnak owg laen sedey bub sy....
sy dh janji ngn diri sy, sy nk owg skeliling sy sntiasa hepy ble ngn sy..
tp sy xley wat sume tu.....
sy nak..... sy nak syazirah yg dulu...............

p/s:::: Ya ALLAH.. jauhilah hambaMu ini dr segala sifat2 mazmumah yg hnya memakan diriku sendiri..............

Saturday, July 2, 2011

AQUARIUS~ cer tgk, ad persamaan x ngn sy? hoho

The Bright Side

Aquarians are lively, inventive and original. Anything goes with Aquarius, and being an individual does not worry this sign: in fact, Aquarius is always out of step with the rest of the world and revels in anything that is 'different'.

Aquarius is also one of the most happily eccentric of the signs. Although it can be extremely difficult to get close to an Aquarian, this is a Fixed sign and so is loyal and faithful. Ask an Aquarian for help and you will immediately get it, for this sign is a very soft touch and would willingly give some people the shirt off its back if necessary.

The Dark Side

The Aquarian personality can be chaotic and unpredictable, stubborn and rebellious, cranky and perverse. It is a sign which can be totally dedicated to being unconventional, whilst remaining stuck in a rigid, unrecognized pattern. It is also a sign which can become detached to the point of coldness, making it very difficult for ordinary mortals to relate to them. Aquarians do not care what the world thinks, however, so that social conventions are sometimes thrown out of the windows in favour of anarchy. The isolation this can sometimes bring can come as a surprise to them as they find it difficult to see how they might have behaved unreasonably.


The Aquarian personality is one of the most impersonal and detached, yet Aquarius has a deep care and concern for humanity. A progressive reformer, Aquarius is also full of humanitarian ideals, but these can be somewhat vague, giving Aquarians a reputation for keeping their heads in the clouds.


Idealistic Aquarians are full of suggestions for changing the state of the world, but this often means they overlook their own condition. They are frequently fascinated by health issues, especially in the area of new healing techniques. Yet they can easily neglect themselves. A tremendous zest for life gives them enormous staying power; but extremely self-willed, they will stubbornly resist any advice to slow down.


Tiredness can produce loss of concentration and may induce contrary and over-wrought behavior. Other Aquarian symptoms of stress are muscular tension or spasms. These can build up over a long period of time, eventually leading to circulatory disorders - another Aquarian concern. They are often unpleasantly surprised when their bodies let them down, and they make difficult patients.

When taking exercise, Aquarians should tread warily. Unexpressed anger makes them susceptible to accidents. Typically vulnerable areas in the lower limbs are the shins, calves, ankles and also the Achilles tendons, which are often prone to bruising and strain.


Aquarians are strongly independent and cannot bear to be tied down. Their firm views and opinions can quickly change to obstinacy and stubbornness when provoked. Nevertheless, they are faithful and supportive in the right relationships. They may become ensconced in a committed relationship but need to preserve their privacy and independence.


Although they're naturally very straightforward, do not expect Aquarians to be clear-cut because they are often very unpredictable, and will almost certainly keep their loved ones guessing. Not all Aquarians find it easy to show their feelings, and they are often uncomfortable about the more romantic aspects of love.

Extrovert, entertaining, intelligent, and often very idealistic, Aquarians usually have many friends who play an important role in their lives. Although they are very loyal and trustworthy, their partners may often become jealous over the bond between and Aquarian and his or her friends. In some cases, their strong feelings and attitudes can turn into insistence and tremendous arguments if aroused, which can make life difficult for their partners.

Aquarians also often have difficulty in handling their own as well as other people's emotions, which may mean that they sometimes ignore a partner's most intimate feelings and insecurities.

n now, aku d tahun ke3~ boley undur kembali x masa neh?

ckup pantas masa brlalu, sperti smalam bawu aku jejakkan kaki d bumi Penang..
skarang dh masuk tahun ke3 aku d sini...
bnyak bnda aku dpt blajar d sini.. wlaupown aku bukanlah d best stud, tp aku brsyukur, ilmu aku makin brtambah...
aku dh tawu bnyk bnda..
aku akui, aku ckup malas...
aku ckup jeles bla tgk membe2 aku bley dpt 3.5 n above, mmg susah, tp diowg boley,, aku msti boley gak kn?
neh dh msuk sem 5, xpenah 1 sem pown aku dpt pgang dean tu... (bukak keaiban diri lak~ uppss! xpe2, nk gtaw sy x pndai~ =) ) gtaw xpndai xpe kn? jgn gtaw kte pndai lak, riak nmanya~ kan2? hee....
tringin sgt2,, yela, sape yg xnk dekan kn...
sume brgantung kpd usaha, n rezeki msing2..
yela, aku neh malas btoiiiiiiii nk stdy.. adoiii cmne nk dpt erk... haiihhhhhhhhhhhh~

family, sahabat2, kwn2, membe2, ci's, lect's,, doakan sy~!!
sy sgt3 tringin... sem neh je jd harapan trakhir sy.................

azam sy ::: sy nk wat yg terbaek... sy nk berkhidmat utk msyarakat~
sy nk bantu family sy! sy nak tawu ape yg sy xtawu time ayah sy sakit dulu... ble sy dh tawu sume, sy boley la bantu sedara mara sy~ sy nk tlg diowg........

khas wat smua sahabat sy~ im sure miss u all a lot.... i miss every single piece of moments wif u all... thnx 4 being a part of my life...